Support Us!

We depend on volunteers to help provide every facet of our youth and adult programs. They assist at one-day events as well as yearlong Afterschool and summer programs. They can serve as adult chaperons on bike rides and instructors for mechanics training. They also assist with our adult programs during the evenings and weekends.

Since we rely heavily on donations of bicycles and other goods for our programming programs, volunteers often organize bike drives and community clean up days to gather donations of these items. We regularly recruit over 250 volunteers for our largest, annual fundraising events. They manage operations, including bike rides, music venues, and a variety of bike-related activities.

We also rely heavily on volunteers to spread the word about our work through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  Others have contributed their expertise to our website, annual report, and video presentations. Over the years, nearly 1000 volunteers have devoted incredible amounts of their professional time and resources to the success of West Town Bikes.

Contact [email protected] to volunteer